
Yasmin Mickan


Personal Information

I am Yasmin, I was born in the Netherlands. I want to become a games designer. My favorite games are puzzle games.
I speak English and some Japanese. I want to get a pet cat and I like creating music. I also like photography..

Interest in IT

My interest in IT started when my partner introduced me to gaming. I had never realized how amazing the fictional world was and how much you can create.
I find the creation and implementation of physics, mathematics and various other components can make a game. I like playing games with my partner and I find it is a great way to make friends.

Ideal Job: Lead Gameplay Programmer

Game Programmer


This position looks appealing because it combines coding, teamwork, leadership and games into one. It is an opportunity to further my skills in game creation.
As a senior it would mean that I am able to nurture and help those who are starting out. It is a way to also oversee the game and be able to properly assist with it's creation - the backbone of the game.
A game programmer develops codebases for games or related things, such as game development icons, tools and interfaces.

Skills I have

I have none that can be applicable to this role. I am starting to learn coding languages. I have had a basic overview of game creation.
I draw and look at music synergy with gameplay. I won't be able to work towards this for a while. This needs many vital things that I don't currently know.

Skills I Need

I need to have knowledge in multiple coding languages, I need to have an advanced knowledge of physics, mathematics and other scientific aspects.
I need to have an understanding of 3D and 2D animation/drawing. I need to understand how music and other components integrate with each other- understanding user interface design and have knowledge in various game programing programs.
I will most likely need knowledge in the following languages or programs: C, C++, Java, Maya, 3D Studio Max, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Unity. In addition I will need great problem-solving skills and a knowledge of gaming trends.

Learning Plan

I will finish my bachelors- if possible do a masters in game design or a few subjects that may be applicable towards working towards this career.
If possible in my spare time working towards creating my own small game. If I could get into a junior role as a trainee out of university that would be great.
In addition, if these aren't available to me i would go into a certification in basic game design.In addition, if I could get an internship whilst in university this would greatly help my chances.

Key Skills

  • Creativity
  • The ability to follow a storyline and make my own
  • Analysis of scenes/images and music composition
  • Excellent programming skills and coding knowledge
  • Artistic abilities
  • An avid interest in game design/ creation
  • The ability to coexist with others and let their ideas be heard
  • Have an experienced knowledge of GUI and CLI interaction

Personality Profile


Myers Briggs Type Indicator

After doing the test my personality turned out to be INTJ- A.This displayed the personality traits of the following; Thirst for knowledge, I like to find a better way, I experience lots of social frustrations. and I like to think of life like chess.


Rational, informed, independent determined, curious, versatile. This in my opinion indicates that I will do my best to do something logically and effectively.


Arrogant, dismissive, overly critical, combative, romantically clueless. These traits indicate that I may have issues listening to people and this is something I would need to work on..

Team Composition

I am introverted and will need to push myself to the best of my abilities to get things done as a team without going ahead. I like thinking with my head and I learn best by visually and auditorily understanding the subject.
This may help to get me to know how to help others as well. My creativity is also very high and my ability to be organized is quite high. I work better with people of ENTJs, ENFPs, or ENTPs personality types.


Test Two

Learning Preferences

My learning style test gave back these results; 45% Audio, 45% Visual and only 10% tactile. So, based off this It won't work if I team up with all tactile learners. Especially since my leanring styles are auditory and visual learners.


Test Three

The Lüscher Color Test

This test was created to see how creative one is. It was created by a psychologist to observe how some people may have traits defined by leaning towards a specific color.
My test results came back as being creative, organised, insightful and imaginative. These traits I do believe are quite important for a job as a games designer.


Chatbot Idea


The project that I have decided to go with is a FAQ chatterbot.
It will be a helper for a real estate agency and within it they will answer questions customers may have about the company/properties.
The way that I have decided to do this is by having the program run into key words and interpreting what that means to answer a question. E.g. I want to buy a house. The program reads buy and offers links to the parts of the website where they can narrow their search for houses to buy.
It will also direct them to places of interest- in a promotional sense- e.g. rent- have higher bracket rentals suggested.


This project will be interesting because I find it fascinating to see how a user can interact with an interface and how I can manipulate it to respond to the user.
In addition, chatterbots are important for promotional and ease of access for clients. Pop ups also psychologically encourage users to click on them out of interest. This is effective in raising page statistics.
They work as promotional aspects of a website, ensure maneuverability and are a good way to improve a GUI for clients.


A chatbot provides the service of basic customer interaction and service. In addition, it will enable a worker to not have to waste time trying to figure out what the customer is looking for, in addition making a search faster and easier for them.
This also encourages interaction for those who may be social anxious or who may not be so technologically minded. Some websites have issues have an easy to read GUI, so having a chatbot may lessen the confusion.
The chatbot that I am using/creating will not take contact details but many websites can use that as a way to build their client base and ensure that their website gets more statistics of readability and clicks on their site.
Mine is used to make searches easier/more personalized for users I am including a name inclusive code to ensure customers feel more welcome "Is there anything else I can help you with today [Customer Id]".
This personalization, the interactivity provide a positive experience for the customer. I am also going to give the opportunity for them to input their email for future subscriptions- this further formulates customer loyalty.
Customer loyalty is important for marketing- if you can get their name, email and provide a great customer service interaction they will probably continue to use your site. It increases marketability, productivity, interactivity and enjoyment.
It lessens stress on workers receiving calls on, I can't find rental pages e.c.t. In addition, if statistics could be catalogued form these bots- 27 wanted rental pages, 4 wanted to buy and 17 wanted to sell. It allows a greater understanding of your user bracket.
Chatbots makes searching and navigating easier, it also helps remove unnecessary human interaction- for both the user and the real estate agent. It provides basic answers to questions.
It is 24/7 access and has the ability to say "I don't know that sorry" before implementing contact details for an agent.
In addition if the opportunity for customer interaction is offered - "talk to an agent today." Or "if you need further information call on ___ ", will make the customers feel like they are actually cared for an provide an ideal environment where customer/relators relationships may be fostered.
A chatbot being 24/7 stops the need for customers being nervous about asking for help. If the chatbot has the ability to learn that means that the customer care will increase.
If the directory is diverse and the way it reads and codes the customers replies also means that the customer will be able to bring up history of conversation.
Such as; "How can I help you today" "yesterday I spoke with one of you and we talked about Bowen Hill reality" "Sure let me bring up your search results". Although some consider this s a breach of privacy, therefore his idea should always be approached with honestly.
In addition to bringing customers to rent/buy/sell pages if the chat bot could offer rental application forms, NRAS forms, websites to go to for assistance and tips on how to improve your attractivity as a renter/potential house owner, it would appear like there is thought and care that went into this application. .

Tools and Technologies

I will be using python to complete this task. Python is very diverse and although here may be better coding languages for Chatbots, python is a good choice.
In addition, import library's and 'pip chatterbot' is a great way to simplify the purpose of making a chatter box. Creating dictionaries of words which cause different reactions is extremely important for customer interaction and diversity.
I will also use visual studio code as I find the interface more user friendly. In additon it is much easier to install extensions. Although, Lisp is suggested for chatbot creating for its maneuverability, python will be used due to that being the extent of my abilities.

Skills Required

My skills should be up to the task. I will have to revise code structure, defining of a function and various other components that could be used to make the job easier.
The chatbot will also need to be semi realistic due to it needing to provide links to pages- potentially based off of a real website. Although I would claim no ownership.
I would have a glossary and I would need to import libraries for the code to run perfectly. There is the issue of extensions in python not matching correctly with the python version released, so finding an extension that will run pip or a chatterbot version will be difficult.


If the project proves to be successful a chatterbot specific to a real estate website should be created.
It should be able to provide customers with a basic FAQ an infographic about the company. Unfortunately because I am coding in python the permeability of the links provided in the chatbot may need to be updated regularly to not make pages non-existent or unattainable.
This should increase customer interaction and happiness concerning their customer service. It should hopefully assist with accessibility and various mental health issues concerning interaction.
This chatbots impact will mainly affect the websites company. This should increase sales, ideas about property, contractibility and KPI's met about visits to a page or amount of clicks to a page before existing.
It should also hopefully improve customer base and increase subscriptions to the website. Which at the end of the day is a positive things for a business..
